Hate Crime, We Can Stop It.

aneeta prem

Hate crime –  can we change it through education? It is a sad reality that hate crime is on the increase in the UK and around the world.  What is a hate crime? There is a clear definition:  ‘a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence’.

There is No Honour in Forced Marriage and FGM — It’s Dishonour

No Honour in Forced Marriage and FGM aneeta prem

There is no honour in forced marriage and female genital mutilation — its dishonour There is no honour in these crimes. Why are we using the term Honour Based Violence?  Because it’s convenient, because everyone else does or because we just can’t think of another way of describing these horrendous human rights abuses that affect […]

Talk at Special Need School – Forced Marriage

aneeta talking

Aneeta visits special needs school to talk about forced marriage and her book But It’s Not Fair. Last week I was privileged to go to County Durham to talk about forced marriage at a special needs school. As we approached in the car the views were completely breath taking.

Cut Flowers Launch – New FGM book by Aneeta Prem

Cut Flowers image FGM, forced marriage

Launch of Cut Flowers My New Novel on FGM A year ago, sitting on the sofa eating chocolate we were chatting and thought-showering ideas around the book Cut Flowers. It’s about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) written for school children and comes with PHSE accredited lesson plans. It seems a life time ago. Finding the right […]