“But It’s Not Fair”

Aneeta Prem, Forced Marriage, Legal Changes, Virginity Testing, Hymenoplasty, Age of Consent, Education

“But It’s Not Fair” Third Edition Addressing a New Landscape of Laws The law is not static; it’s a living entity, adapting and morphing as society evolves. That’s why the third edition of “But It’s Not Fair” needed to come to life. This edition addresses the significant changes in UK law around Forced Marriage, including […]

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia Aneeta Prem

Trigeminal neuralgia is the most painful condition in the world.   So what is Trigeminal Neuralgia ? ( TN) Simply put TN is sudden, intense facial pain. What Does TN feel like It’s hard to describe too often described what a TN attack feels like. For me, a Trigeminal neuralgia attack feels like hundreds of […]


aneeta prem End FGM world news

End FGM, that is what all of us want. Today we are a step closer to End FGM with the case in the US, Detroit have charged a Dr. with cutting young girls. End FGM is something every doctor should be trying to do, that’s why a doctor cutting girls is even more shocking. Dr […]

Amina Al-Jeffery Freedom Charity demands she must be brought home

Amina Al-Jeffery

At 17 Amina Al-Jeffery was taken by her father to  Jeddah in Saudi Arabia in 2012,  he claimed to ‘save her life’. She had allegedly kissed a boy. Amina has dual nationality. Today the judge Mr Justice Holman ruled she must be allowed back to the UK as she had been  ‘deprived of her liberty.’  Amina […]